Small Gantry Cranes: The Ideal Solution For Low-Capacity Lifting And Material Handling

Small gantry cranes offer an ideal solution for businesses seeking robust lifting equipment that is versatile and easy to assemble and operate. They are widely used in various industrial settings, including construction sites, ports, and docks, providing a safe and sturdy anchor point for lifting and lowering equipment, materials, and personnel. Crafted from lightweight and durable aluminum, our gantries can safely lift to 11,000lb, making them an excellent choice for numerous applications.


They can lift and move steel beams, pipes, smaller machinery, equipment, and tools. Their versatility makes them a popular choice for businesses that require lifting equipment that can handle different materials.


They are less expensive than larger cranes, and their lower capacity means they consume less energy. The reduced energy consumption also means that the cost of operating small gantry cranes is significantly lower. This cost-effectiveness makes them an ideal choice for small and medium-sized businesses that require lifting equipment on a budget.


Small gantries are lightweight and portable, making them easy to move around different areas of a facility or between different work sites. They can be quickly disassembled and reassembled, making them ideal for businesses that need to move their lifting equipment frequently. This portability also makes them an ideal solution for outdoor applications, where heavy equipment can be challenging to transport.

Easy to Operate

Small gantry cranes are easy to employ and require minimal training. As a result, they can be operated by a single person, making them more efficient and cost-effective. This also means businesses can save money on labor costs since they don’t need to hire multiple employees to operate the crane. Additionally, small gantries often come with user-friendly controls, making them easier to operate for inexperienced operators.


Small cranes are compact, which means they require less space to operate. This is ideal for businesses with limited workspaces or those that frequently need to move their equipment around different areas of a facility. The compact design makes them easier to store when not in use, freeing up valuable floor space.

Applications of Small Gantry Cranes

• Maintenance and Repair: Small gantries are ideal for maintenance and repair tasks, as they can lift and move smaller machinery and equipment. They are also suitable for use in workshops, where space is often limited.
• Warehousing and Logistics: Small cranes are excellent for lifting and moving smaller loads in warehouses and logistics facilities. They can be used to move pallets, containers, and other small loads quickly and efficiently.
• Construction: Small gantries can lift and move materials such as steel beams, pipes, and other small loads. The portability of small gantry cranes also makes them ideal for use in outdoor construction sites. To read more: EC&MW, INC